Monday, July 11, 2011

2011 Double Crop Soybeans

Double-crop soybeans refer to soybeans that are planted in the same growing season as another crop, usually wheat.   In part due to high commodity prices for soybeans this year, a farmer decided to take a chance and plant soybeans on July 10, 2011 after wheat was harvested and straw was baled.  

Here a farmer discbines a newly-harvested wheat field in order to both bale straw and then drill in soybeans.  The discbine cuts the remaining wheat stubble and places it in windrows to be baled into small straw bales.

Farmer disbining wheat stubble in order to bale the straw
Here is a close-up shot of both the disbined wheat stubble and a small section that was not discbined, for comparision:
Wheat stubble
Next, the wheat stubble is baled into straw bales:
Baling wheat straw
In this photo, almost all of the wheat stubble is baled and the field is almost ready for planting soybeans.
Baling wheat straw
Next, a no-till drill plants the soybeans:
Planting double-crop soybeans in a wheat field
Here is a closer view of the field after the drill planted the soybeans:
Soybeans planted after wheat harvest and straw baling

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cows Cool Off in Prairie Creek

Cows on pasture escaped the heat today in Prairie Creek.  This photo was taken in Manhattan Township, near the Wauponsee Glacial Trail.

Cows on pasture cool off in Prairie Creek

More on the history of Prairie Creek in Will County.